I’m reading “Baron Von Baddie and the Ice Ray Incident” to Ezra. We get to the page where the Baron is in jail, looking out through a barred window.
Ezra: “Why are there bars on the window?”
Me: “Because it’s a jail, and the bars are there to keep him from escaping.”
Ezra: “But he does escape. Why don’t they know that he digs a hole to escape?”
Me: “I don’t know. Maybe it’s not a very good jail?”
Ezra: “If Barron Von Baddie was smaller and he turned sideways, then he could get out through these two bars.”
Me: “Often, a person’s head is the most difficult thing to fit through a small space. If your head can fit through, you can usually fit the rest of you”
Ezra: “Yeah. And babies have really small heads, so baby villains could escape from jail really easily.”