In the early morning, Ezra and Vivian go to play with toys.

Vivian: “Why is there such a mess here?”
Ezra: “Maybe rats were playing here last night!”
Vivian: “But the door was locked, so they couldn’t get in.”
Ezra: “Rats can get in lots of places. Like a hole in the wall.”
Vivian: “Well, there aren’t any holes in the wall.”
Ezra: “Well they could come in through other openings. Like, they could jump in through a window.”
Vivian: “Or they might have been in the house already.”
Ezra: “Yeah! They could have come out of grandpa’s boot at night!”
Vivian: “Yeah!”
Ezra: “Or from out of your nose!”
Vivian: (after squeezing her nose) “No. I can feel that there’s nothing in my nose.”