Phineas: “Did you know that the mayor came to my class? And he asked us to think of things that would make people happy, everywhere in the world, but that don’t exist yet. And to send them to him.”

Phineas can’t remember what he suggested. Someone else in his class suggested massage chairs in hotels, but (Phineas says) they already have those.

Ezra: “How about a Lion with five feet?”
Phineas: “But, you can’t build that.”
Ezra: “Then how about a lion with zero feet?”
Phineas: “But, you can’t build that, either.”
Ezra: “Yes you can: take a lion and chop off all its feet!”
Phineas: “But then it would die. Because nothing can be alive with no feet.”
Ezra: “Yes there can. Lots of people are alive who don’t have a foot.”
Phineas: “How would they not have a foot?”
Ezra: “Well… One way I know is if a whale bites it off while fishing.”
Phineas: “Oh yeah! Like Moby Dick!”